2-wire programmable transmitter




  • Input for RTD, TC, mV, linear resistance, mA, and V
  • 3.75 kVAC galvanic isolation
  • 4...20 mA loop output
  • 1- and 2-channel versions
  • ATEX Ex / I.S. version
  • DIN rail mounting
Ex Eac Ex Mpa EAC CE Pr Rohs3 Guarantee

Advanced features

  • The 5131 transmitter can be configured with a standard PC and the Loop Link communications unit.


  • Independent channel jumper selectable inputs for current/voltage or temperature.
  • Current input programmable in range the 0...100 mA and voltage inputs in the range 0...250 VDC.
  • Linearized, electronic temperature measurement with RTD or TC sensor.
  • Conversion of linear resistance variation to a standard analog current / voltage signal, for example from solenoids and butterfly valves or linear movements with attached potentiometer.
  • 4- or 3-wire connection with automatic cable compensation or 2-wire connection with programmable cable compensation.
  • Configurable sensor error detection including NAMUR NE43.

Technical characteristics

  • The 2-channel version has full galvanic isolation between the channels.
  • Separation of circuits in PELV/SELV installations.
  • I.S. barrier for temperature sensors, potentiometers and current / voltage signals.


  • Not suitable for new installations requiring certification to the latest ATEX standards - see ATEX certificate DEMKO 99ATEX124572 and EU Declaration of Conformity for details.

Scheda tecnica & manuali

Scheda tecnica


Manuali in russo

Approvazioni & certificati

Certificato ATEX

Dichiarazione EAC

Certificato EAC Ex

Metrology Pattern Approval (MPA), Russia

Documentazione supplementare

Dichiarazione UE di conformità

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