Temperature / mA converter, EMPHASIS assessed




  • Input for RTD, TC and mA
  • Active / passive mA output via the same two terminals
  • 1 or 2 channels
  • EMPHASIS assessed instrument for nuclear industry
  • SIL 2-certified via Full Assessment
SIL 2 Iec Iecex Ex Fmapprovedcus UL List Inmetro Dekra CCC DNV Classnk EAC UKCA CE Pr Rohs Guarantee

Advanced features

  • Configuration and monitoring by way of detachable display front (PR 4500); process calibration and signal simulation.
  • Copying of the configuration from one device to others of the same type via the display front.
  • TC inputs can use either the internal CJC or a terminal with a built-in Pt100 sensor (PR 5910Ex, channel 1 / PR 5913Ex, channel 2) for higher accuracy.
  • Advanced monitoring of internal communication and stored data.
  • SIL 2 functionality is optional and must be activated in a menu point.


  • The device can be mounted in the safe area and in zone 2 / cl. 1 div. 2 and receive signals from zone 0, 1, 2 and zone 20, 21, 22 including M1 / Class I/II/III, Div. 1, Gr. A-G.
  • Conversion and scaling of temperature (Pt, Ni and TC) and active current signals.
  • The 9113B-EMP has been designed, developed and certified for use in SIL 2 applications according to the requirements of IEC 61508.
  • Suitable for the use in systems up to Performance Level “d” according to ISO-13849.

Technical characteristics

  • 1 green and 2 red front LEDs indicate operation status and malfunction.
  • 2.6 kVAC galvanic isolation between input, output and supply.
  • Can be supplied separately or installed on power rail, PR type 9400.


  • The devices can be mounted vertically or horizontally without distance between neighbouring units.

Approvazioni & certificati

Certificato ATEX

Certificato IECEx

Certificato UKEX

Certificato FM

Certificato INMETRO

Certificato SIL

Certificato UL

Certificato CCC

Certificato marina DNV

Certificato ClassNK

Dichiarazione EAC

Certificato EAC Ex

Metrology Pattern Approval (MPA), Russia

Documentazione supplementare

Dichiarazione UE di conformità

Dichiarazione UKCA di conformità

Manuale di configurazione Modbus

Rapporto di valutazione

Rapporto FMEDA

Dati EMC

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